Monday, September 1, 2008
Findlay is 11 weeks and 2 days old now. He is growing and learning so many things. The housebreaking is going very well, with only an accident or two every few days. The vet reported that he is 20 pounds now...fantastic!!!
He is at the point where he can jump up on the couch, chairs and other things. This means that we are in the process of moving items from a "crawling" position to a "walking" position. You can see how we have cleared off the kitchen trolley...he found all the things there TODAY. Yes, he sure is cute!!! RIGHT!!!
We decided to make an LL Bean run today for a holiday excursion. I bought him a new toy - something leather...kind of like my SLIPPERS (wonder why). He loved it at first, until we went outside with it and found a FREE leaf from the neighbor's tree. $7 dog toy, free oak leaf....priceless!!! He continues to grow both in size and in our hearts. What a wonderful addition to my home! Clearly, he is a good little guy. I guess I should not mention that we renamed him...Findlay MONSTER Sol Maris.
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