Time, Extra Time...

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sabbatical is an interesting thing. I was not sure what this would be like, having no real schedule and too much to do. I think that it means that I can be ahead on not only work things (well...research and meeting planning) but also normal life things.

As you can see, today was a busy day!! I did something almost two and a half months EARLY. Now, I am sure that the IRS people are going to have a heart attack when they see my tax returns coming in already in JANUARY. Normally they are watching them fly in at the absolute last minute. Yes, this is a much less stressful way to get things done. Bet next year it will again be at 11:55pm on the 15th of April.

Otherwise, this sabbatical thing is ok. Not really getting used to having no teaching or no "office" to be at every day. Trying to enjoy being home with the dogs and traveling places. Planning on visiting MICH again in Feb. Clearly, the dogs are loving me home. They enjoying making me go upstairs 35 times a day to go out and 'P'...it is now my new workout plan!

Happy HOOPING Weekend!

Monday, January 28, 2008

The weekend was very COLD and GREY outside, but very WARM and COLORFUL inside. Saturday and Sunday were HOOP days at my house. Saturday brought out the ORANGE and BLUE of the Dutch. The men's team pulled out a big-time victory against arch rival Calvin College 79-76.

Sunday was GREEN and WHITE, all day!! Those Spartan boys sure showed the 'big blue' a thing or two! Sorry to my dear nephews and brother-in-law. Yes, yes...I know... Football season is only 8 months away. Give me my chance to gloat for now!!!

Vet Time for Carli...

Sunday, January 6, 2008

We had a bit of scare about our 'little' Carli. She has had 'GI distress' for a few days. On Friday, she looked a bit bloated. However, she was still eating and acting normal. I was a scared mom, so I called the vet and had her checked out on Saturday. It worked out because she needed her shots anyhow. So, the vet decided to let me know that my baby girl was pretty much ok - at least she seemed ok. Diarrhea is something that is not uncommon and we need to watch her for a week or so. Try and see if she needs to change her food to something with more fiber and give her yogurt. Lucky baby!!

The most interesting part is that she is not bloated probably...she gained about 5 pounds. I guess that means that she is chubby instead. Not sure that is better. As you can see, she is taking it easy on the couch after her shots and the stress of seeing the doctor. She is also having the shivers off and on for the last few days. I hope that the yogurt, carrots and relaxing fix her belly.

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)