Sunday, February 17, 2008

Jayme tagged me by asking me to pick up a book that is close and reading a specific section.
She said to turn to page 123, 5th sentence and write the next three sentences. Jayme said that she tagged me because I would do it. Well, I was pacing because I was living at Penn State when she tagged me and I did not have a book in sight. Yes, Penn State has a library, but not one that I was going to visit!!!

So, I am at home and took the first book that I could find. It is entitled, "Vital Friends: The People You Can't Afford to Live Without" by Tom Rath and it is sitting on my bedside. I turned to page 123, fifth sentence. Here are the next three lines.
"When you are around a Mind Opener, you are unguarded and express opinions aloud, especially controversial ones that you might not be comfortable sharing with other friends. These friends broaden your perspective on life and make you a better person. If you need to challenge the conventional wisdom or shake up the status quo, spend a few hours talking with a Mind Opener."

I like this book - not the greatest but pretty good. It is my turn to tag people, so here you go.
Jayme, cuz you tagged me and I figure that you can find another one of Dan's interesting books!!
Carol, you need to read something fun for a while. Remember it is reading week - so read!!

Thanks Jayme this is fun!

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)