Humidity, Heat and Hanna

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It has been a rugged three days of weather. The temps have been in the upper 80's to low 90's with 80% plus humidity. I have been a bit sweaty, uncomfortable and cranky with this late summer yuck happening. We have also learned that the little man DOES NOT like the heat and humidity. He finds a cool place where-ever he can see that from the picture below. Yup, he is IN the water bowl on the cool basement floor. If he is not sleeping in the water bowl, he is wet trying to swim - that is three days in a row he 'fell' into the pool. He then races around like a bunny and goes nuts!!! It is a sight to see and we are trying to get some video from these experiences. He has now gone into the deep end two times. Leaving Carrie or I to drag him out. The third time he went swimming WITH me, but that was a shallow end entry!! All of this heat, humidity and extra swimming tired him out this afternoon!!! ;-)

We are now in the early stages of Hanna. Much like Dan and Jayme, we will be getting the rain downpours and some wind. There are flood watches out and right now the rain is battering the house. Our two walkways are rivers, so this is going to be an interesting night I can tell. The churches are already cancelling for tomorrow AM, as the watches and warning are on up through noon. As this is the first tropical storm/hurricane of any note in my ten years here, it is interesting for sure. Nope, I did not rush out for water - strange to do in a rainstorm!!! I figure that we will be pretty much ok...minus a flooded this or that. The store is not far away and I assume that we could walk there if necessary!!!

So, I guess that we will just hunker down...try and stay cool (WHEW) and enjoy some TV tonight. Findlay is already hanging out with his brother...trying to play. Koda just wants to sit and chill though. Mommy Agrees for tonight. Two water rescues is way too stressful!!! I need a break!!! :-)

1 Comment:

Jayme said...

hope you guys didn't float away lastr night!

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)