Monday, September 29, 2008
I have been soooo busy since I returned home from Disney, I have not been able to get a new post written. But, this weekend we spent time with the dogs and they were so stinking cute. Findlay is getting his last swims in the pool before I get the thing winterized and closed. I am not sure how he will manage until springtime. HE LOVES THE WATER!!!
We kept throwing his floating fetch toy into the water close to the steps and he would walk in and retrieve. Then Carrie threw it further in and he wanted to get it very badly, so she lowered him in again. He swam to the toy, got it...then got scared and went to the side instead of the steps. I grabbed the toy and gave him a little pull toward the steps and he swam like a trooper to the steps, then walked out. He then rammed around the yard with the toy, all proud and crazy. By next fall, he will be a perfect swimmer who will come in the pool with mommy. I can't wait!! He might even float on the raft with me...but who knows.
I hope that he will figure out how to stop playing the water bowl for now I can hear him being scolded upstairs right now. OOPS!!! We have created a sea monster!!!
Aww...can vinny come for a swim sometime?
Jayme - ANY TIME... except for now until March. The pool was just covered today and Findlay is DEPRESSED!!! He keeps trying to go out on the cover...
Great pictures! He is so cute!
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