Monday, August 25, 2008

School began today. It was SO difficult to get back there after having my sabbatical then the summer. It seemed like a foreign land!! Students were nice and things were fine. Tomorrow is a huge teaching day, so I will determine how I feel after those events. Mostly, I missed my little new boy. Good thing Carrie was nice and worked from home...she seems to like that and will do it again tomorrow. FANTASTIC!!! Instant baby sitter!!!

Ten Weeks OLD

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Findlay continues to grow and become an independent puppy. He loves to play and sometimes he plays a bit too rough. Carrie and I have learned the term "NO BITE" very well. She does the mouth thingy to teach him not to nip better than me. Carrie calls him a gremlin when he gets going too fast...he makes the noise. I can't tell ya if that is true, cuz I don't know about those things!!! TOO OLD....Tomorrow is the start of school and I will miss this little guy way too much. We are arranging to go late and come home early to take care of him. It should be an interesting arrangement for a month or so, until he gets a bit bigger. I thought you might all like some new pictures. He sure has been growing!!!

Growing more confident

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We are in the 3rd week of enjoying Findlay Sol Maris VanHeest. He is such a great little puppy! His potty training is going very well, with only a few accidents. Now that I am saying that, he is probably pooping upstairs!!!

He is growing in personality, affection, attachment, humour and joyfulness each day. We watch as he explores his world inside and out. His big brother Koda is his absolute favorite animal in the world. Koda is a great big brother (are you listening JACOB??)...he tolerates Findlay's playground tactics for about 15 minute intervals. Then he just gets up and walks away. Today Cheyenne let Findlay lick her ears and eyes - for those of you who do not like the sound of that - it is a good thing!!! So, progress is being made every day.

I am bummed that next week school begins and I must return to a dose of reality. Clearly, I will need to come home a bit earlier to keep this pooch in check. I will miss him soooo much. On the leg front, the doctor said that I am "right on track but need to work on my tightness and flexion" today. He also said..."NO RUNNING UNTIL AFTER YOUR NEXT VISIT...IN OCTOBER!!!" :-(

OH WELL... God is blessing me daily with healing and love. Thanks again for all the prayers and keep them coming. I am NOT a patient person...especially to wait another month.

My Big Brother and I ...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Findlay is getting along very well with only a few accidents these past few days. He knows to go to the basement steps or the porch door to let mommy know that it is POTTY TIME. That is good. He sleeps 1/2 way through the night, then needs a break. Right back to sleep again.

One of the best things is how he plays with his new brother Koda. It is so stinking cute to see them be good to each other. Koda can manage for about 15 minutes a time...that is really good considering Findlay uses him as a jungle jim. I am still waiting for Cheyenne to act like she likes him...and me!!

Findlay is finally home.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What a busy, wonderful, exciting time. We picked Findlay up from the breeder on Friday afternoon. He was waiting quietly in his box and just looked at me when we got there. He has been a very good boy so far. There have been a few accidents -- none at night. He is going potty outside, all varieties. That is spectacular, as this means he is getting potty trained already DAY TWO. He rams with his big brother and the 'people' at the house, then sits and falls asleep for hours. It is very clear that he loved people and knew how to interact, plus that he is ok alone. He is content to play alone or just find a place to chill out. How is that for an 8 week old puppy in a new place??? His big sister Cheyenne is not terribly thrilled with him...but she really does not like anything new!! That will come.

I am so glad that I decided to get him. He will make a wonderful addition to my family and my life. God has blessed me with him. Thanks to all for the prayers and thoughts over the past months as I have learned many life lessons about loss and love. I hope that you like the "day one and two" picture. He is kinda cute, huh??!!! :-) Oh...Dan and Tom, he is already a TIGERS FAN!!!

Waiting on Saturday

Monday, August 4, 2008

I have returned from my trip to Michigan. It was wonderful to spend time with my family, especially my DAD! Both little boys (Gabe and Jacob) are growing and turning into little MEN. It was so much fun to enjoy them and their parents. Dad's birthday was great - spending the afternoon at the fair watching the horse races with Marianne, Sharron and Dad. We laughed and laughed, especially at the older folks enjoying their FREE pie and ice cream. Then we got together with more of Marianne's family and Nancy's family to celebrate Dad's 86 years. It was a very special day.

Since August has arrived, I am waiting on two important things -- school and FINDLAY! Yes, he will arrive on Saturday after we pick him up from his breeder family. I am looking forward to meeting him and getting to know him. I am sure that you will hear more about the 'potty training' and 'obedience training' in the coming weeks. For right now, he is the cutest little baby boy yellow lab. That might change...but I sure hope not.

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)