Spring's Recovery

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

As the saga continues on many fronts, it is happening with the backdrop of sun, budding, and new flowers. Challenges always seem easier when the sun shines -- spring is bringing that energy back to the earth and to us.

Today was the vet check-up on Carli. The doc was pleased with her blood work, her walking and reflexes and generally her overall progress. She put her on Pepsid before meals. So she now has a drug to coat any acidic area that is taken 30min prior to the Pepsid which is taken 20minutes prior to eating, then eat!! Oh yeah, this is a vet hospital around every meal. That would be fine, but my yellow lab eats like it is her job and does not like to wait for the grub to hit the bowl. It is going to be a learning experience for us both. This process SHOULD help her to have less pain around eating. She shivers after the pills and eating - so that means she is uncomfortable typically.
As for me, I called and 'ordered' the allograft (donor tissue) for my ACL reconstruction surgery. Yes, it is sort of like calling to order a new car...I would like 1 piece of connective tissue, preferably from someone younger than me and more fit than me. Someone free from any disease or history of disease. It sounds silly, but this is actually serious for me. I am truly touched by the sacrifice associated with the donation of organs and tissue at death. This will come from someone's donation upon their early death. Clearly, it is something that impacts me and I hope to make the best of their gift. Now is the time to get Carli healthy, get my knee as strong as possible and get the gardens set for the summer. Come June 4th, I will be merely watching the flowers grow for a bit!!!

I thought you might like to see more of the first flowers of spring. These are inside my backyard fence. They were planted last fall from bulbs purchased from Brecks - the DUTCH growers. The tulips and the daffodils remain merely leaves and tiny stalks in the ground. I cannot wait for full bloom!!


Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)