Gardens Begin to BLOOM

Friday, April 25, 2008

It has been a long week filled with ups and downs. Carli continues to progress, but remains on a high dose of prednisone at this point. She has gained weight due to drug and it is all around her belly. This makes it difficult for her to move around and her back legs are sore and tired much of the time. She is very quiet and isolates herself a great deal. I am bringing her dose down again today - trying to get this lowered as soon as we can.

I have been back at the office each day this week. My attitude has struggled due to the regular interactions with people there. I am not ready to be OFF sabbatical YET!!! Once we get past graduation, I can be home most of the time...well, clearly that will be the case after my surgery anyhow.

The weather has been spectacular, in fact there is a fire danger due to low rain levels since the middle of April. My spring perennials are beginning to make the neighbors jealous and the postman back to photo snapping each day. Today is the first day of the tulips and the miniature hyacinth. They are just wonderful and make me feel so darn DUTCH!!! Proud to be a Dutch gardener for sure!

One Week's Progress

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We have arrived at the ONE WEEK point in recovery. My dear lab is doing much better with balance and motor abilities. A wonderful transformation allowing her to be more mobile.

My concern is that she appears scared, timid and aloof. Not sure what is driving those behaviours considering she is the most loving of the pack of three. I hope it to will pass. Thanks again for all the support. Continued prayers for mommy to have patience and Carli to heal are very much appreciated.

An Early Morning ASIDE...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I am sitting here at the table eating my breakfast on this glorious spring morning when I began to think about my situation. Have you ever had one of those mornings where you just were having a serious subconscious conversation with yourself? Then, suddenly... you began to hear your discussion in your mind...LOUDLY. Well, that is just what happened. So, here is my question for the day (clearly I have needed a MAJOR no-brainer distraction from the past few weeks). Why does something that looks so GROSS, like my cream of wheat and strawberries, taste SO GOOD??!!

Spring's Recovery

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

As the saga continues on many fronts, it is happening with the backdrop of sun, budding, and new flowers. Challenges always seem easier when the sun shines -- spring is bringing that energy back to the earth and to us.

Today was the vet check-up on Carli. The doc was pleased with her blood work, her walking and reflexes and generally her overall progress. She put her on Pepsid before meals. So she now has a drug to coat any acidic area that is taken 30min prior to the Pepsid which is taken 20minutes prior to eating, then eat!! Oh yeah, this is a vet hospital around every meal. That would be fine, but my yellow lab eats like it is her job and does not like to wait for the grub to hit the bowl. It is going to be a learning experience for us both. This process SHOULD help her to have less pain around eating. She shivers after the pills and eating - so that means she is uncomfortable typically.
As for me, I called and 'ordered' the allograft (donor tissue) for my ACL reconstruction surgery. Yes, it is sort of like calling to order a new car...I would like 1 piece of connective tissue, preferably from someone younger than me and more fit than me. Someone free from any disease or history of disease. It sounds silly, but this is actually serious for me. I am truly touched by the sacrifice associated with the donation of organs and tissue at death. This will come from someone's donation upon their early death. Clearly, it is something that impacts me and I hope to make the best of their gift. Now is the time to get Carli healthy, get my knee as strong as possible and get the gardens set for the summer. Come June 4th, I will be merely watching the flowers grow for a bit!!!

I thought you might like to see more of the first flowers of spring. These are inside my backyard fence. They were planted last fall from bulbs purchased from Brecks - the DUTCH growers. The tulips and the daffodils remain merely leaves and tiny stalks in the ground. I cannot wait for full bloom!!

Sunday's Recovery

Sunday, April 13, 2008

We are all trying to be patient with the slow progress. It is slow and steady as Carli now is able to manage her balance a bit more. She can now 'back-up' without stumbling and does the stairs better each day. Today she is a bit frustrated because she wants to ram around with the other two, but we need to keep her quiet. She also gets grumpy when she can't seem to do things like before. It will all come - but try telling that to a 7 year old yellow lab with boundless energy.

Here are a few new pictures of her progress. She is stilling and standing with much better balance. Although she has a head tilt doing both - that is still due to the brain injury.

Her older sister Cheyenee loves to be close and to steal her bed in the process.

At Home Recovery Day #2

Saturday, April 12, 2008

It is now Saturday afternoon and we are having a beautiful spring day. Carli is having a good day today, as she is acting more and more normal. She still struggles with balance and needs help with things. But she is progressing and moves up and down the stairs with a bit more ease. As it is only 2 days out of the hospital, I can only hope to act as good as she has. She "runs" to the door to watch the people or birds or squirrels pass by the porch door. I am still praying that she continues to improve and gets back to her agile 'old self', but give thanks for her constant progress. Carli does pretty well in the morning and early afternoon, but evenings are the tough part.

You can see how tired she was last night in the picture below.
These photos are from this morning -- much better.

Recovery Friday

Friday, April 11, 2008

Today is Carli's first day home. She has been spending time sleeping, eating and enjoying her family. Carli has a very difficult time getting herself started walking, but once she is going she is pretty good. The hardwood and other slippery floors are difficult. Her problem has affected the left side of her body, so she also has a bit of a head tilt to that side. It is very clear that she is better in the morning and it gets much more difficult as she gets tired. Getting her up to go outside and pee was interesting last night for sure. She does seem to be improving a bit for that we are very thankful.
Your continued thoughts and prayers are felt as we all spend much time working to heal. I have been working on the bed with her most of the day. I guess it is preparation for things to come on my end too!!!


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today was the big day. I picked Carli up from the Vet Hospital at 1:30pm. She is my dearest Carli for sure with all the love and happiness a dog can give. The whole group of vets and vet techs gave her some lovin before she headed out. But once she was past the door it was full speed heading toward the outside world and home.

She did her business (twice) once she hit the back yard. It is hard to see her and I feel badly because she still has motor control and balance issues. She struggles on the slippery floors in the house and she has a hard time getting up. But, she sure tries. My favorite part was watching the other two dogs love her when she came in, especially the oldest one who Carli LOVES and who LOVES Carli. It was a special moment to see them all licking one another and being excited.

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Please keep them coming as she is not fully out of the woods, but getting better daily. With God's help she will recover fully and be able to take care of MUMMY in June.

News and GREAT News!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I need to give the good news first...Carli took a WALK today. She is still having some troubles with her back legs - high stepping or prancing, but she walked. The vet called and was SO excited about it. She said that she went into the room this AM, took the doors off Carli's cage and called, "Carli come here girl"... Then, out she walked - tail waggin and excited to be "free"!! They took her outside and walked some more where she did a better job of walking. They are keeping her for one more night to keep her on the meds, then probably home TOMORROW in the late morning. This has been an answer to prayer thus far. I cannot thank you all enough for the wonderful thoughts and prayers for all of us.
So, that is the GREAT News... Now for the "News".

I had my appointment today with the orthopedic surgeon. He is a 'nice guy' as surgeons go. He checked out my knee and kept asking if I was sure that I did not 'feel it when I tore my ACL'. I know that I am a bit of a stubborn and often not to bright Dutchman...but nope... I did not remember it happening. He was amazed, as this process is horribly painful. Having said all of that, I will have ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair/removal on the 3rd of June. This was his FIRST available appointment. Not what I had hoped in terms of the date, but that is just how it goes. This surgery is a pretty major deal, but it is an out-patient procedure now. I will be on crutches and with a brace initially. Crutches will last 4-5 weeks (depending on things) with physical therapy happening along the way. Again, it is about 9-12 months to full recovery depending on the exact surgical approach.

Again, I thank my dear family and friends for all the prayers. It has been a rugged few days and only through your love and support (especially all the prayers), have I been able to stay strong. I will keep you posted as things move forward. Wishing you all a very special day!

Call from the Vet

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Hello everyone. The saga continues with Carli today. She is now about 24 hour out from the start of the meds and IV fluids to rid her body of the toxic drug. The doctor is cautiously optimistic, but that is good. Today Carli appears able to manage her front legs better. She still struggles with her back legs and that makes her go pee in her cage.

As the vet said, "she is a very special loving dog"...Carli does NOT LIKE to have made a, she tries to clean it up herself. They are watching to keep her from doing that part. Good that she is eating like a trouper and peeing with no diarrhea right now. That is all FANTASTIC news!

We watch and wait with God's hand holding her gently. Only He can make her better, so we pray and wait on his grace. Thanks to each of you for your prayers and makes this tolerable. I am just thankful that she is doing better so far. The research that I have read said it could day a few days to resolve - up to weeks. So, I ask for continued prayers.

Love to each of you for being such a wonderful group of family and friends. Hugs...

Update on Carli

Well, we have some news on Carli thus far. Yesterday her tests pointed to her having Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). This means that she will be on a steroid-like drug and have a special diet. To some degree, that is the easy part.

Now for the harder part. The seizure and subsequent neurological issues (walking, balance, eye flittering, etc) are probably due to a toxicity to the drug that she was on for the diarrhea. There are rare side effects and she appears to have them. At this point, she is on IV and they are waiting and watching for her issues to resolve as the drug gets metabolized in her system.

We are praying and thinking positive thoughts about her. Thanks for your kind thoughts and many prayers - keep them coming and I will keep the updates coming. The vet should call me around lunch-time today for another update. I have all my fingers and toes crossed as well.

Very Worried

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hello to all. Last night was terrible. Carli, my sweetest yellow Lab woke us up while stumbling in the hallway. She was unable to move her left side front and back legs with any skill. Carli could not move down or up the stairs and then began having urinary control issues. We were very concerned that she was having a stroke.

I called the 24 hour emergency vet hospital connected with my regular vet and we took her in at 4am. She then proceeded to have a major seizure in the vet hospital. They gave her anti-seizure meds and she calmed down some. Carli has been having bouts of diarrhea, so have been working on that front. The doctors have run blood work, taken x-rays and are currently doing an ultrasound on her gut. We are trying to figure out some of her blood work right now. She is stable but cannot also seem to manage the walking part - at least not well.

We have been told that it might be Inflammatory Bowel Disease - the would need meds and some special diet. The seizure and her current motor control issues remain a bit of a mystery. So, please again I ask for prayers. For Carli, for Carrie and for me. We are ALL very worried and it is terribly difficult to see your sweetheart baby dog suffer like this. I will keep you posted on her recovery and our decisions about her health. Love you all!

News...Your Prayers...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

For the past few months, my right knee has grown to be intolerable. The past 18-24 months has been filled with dozens of 'stopp-ages'...stopped running, stopped hiking, stopped speed walking, stopped playing tennis and softball. The knee was getting worse and more unstable. I have been in physical therapy now for 5.5 weeks and they decided that an MRI was necessary.

So, I stopped giving things up and had the MRI...assuming I had a simple torn meniscus (cartilage) and that was that....

Well, here are a few pictures of the latest info from the MRI. Yes, I have a complex horizontal tear in the lateral (outside) meniscus and degeneration of the medial meniscus. The circled part on the right looks like a dark triangle outlined in white - that is the 'normal side'. The circled part on the left looks like a broken triangle - that is the torn cartilage viewed from the side.

BUT, the unexpected part is the worst part. I have a completely torn Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL). For those of you who do not know what this is, there are two major ligaments in the middle of the knee between the upper leg and the lower leg bones. These two ligament crisscross at the knee and keep your two bones from sliding apart. Well, my major ligament in there is now gone. I guess this explains my unstable knee....

The arrow is where the ligament should be - you can kinda see a dark band that suddenly stops. It should not STOP!! So, I see the ortho surgeon next Wed and I assume that he might do some surgery - a bit more surgery than originally expected. This is all fine, but I am not a patient girl and next Wed is a long way away. Assuming we need a full reconstruction of the ACL, it is about a 6-9 month rehab post-operatively.

I ask that you pray that I have patience and a good doc who will move forward and get this knee back in shape. I eagerly want to be able to be active again SOON...hopefully get back to running which I miss. The story will continue and I will be in touch about what it next. (maybe more fun or no so fun pictures)

Revised Study...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This past weekend, we decided it was time to paint my basement study. The old 'dungeon' was getting too sad and dreary now that it rains every day. So, to Home Depot I went and picked out the colors for the revised study. It took a couple coats of primer before the dark brown was masked, but things are shaping up and looking much more friendly, spring-like and happy. Whew!!! Only the trim and some baseboard edging to go. Not bad for $70 bucks. Looks pretty new!!!

You can see the "OLD" design above and the "NEW" design below. Not bad, huh??!!

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)