Knee Update...Here we go again!! ;-)

Friday, January 9, 2009

The ACL knee sage continues. I have been feeling MUCH better after my ACL reconstruction surgery and partial menisciotomy. But, it is not 100% or probably even 90% honestly. There have been some issues like bone pain, severe cold sensitivity, and continued inflammation/swelling. I had what I had hoped to be my final appointment with the surgeon this past week, thinking that I was going to get the green light. Things did not work exactly like that!!

I will be having surgery again on the 29th of January. Now, this time it is "not bad at all" according to the doctor. Clearly, he is sitting at a difference angle than I am considering that he is holding the scalpel and the drill!!! BUT, it is again an outpatient surgery and he will remove the metal screw and washer in my lower leg. The screw is 'backing out' of the leg which can be painful and can cause some issues down the road. He said about 15% of people who have ACL reconstruction need to have the screw removed.
As you can imagine, I am a bit frustrated by this news. It will all be OK, I am sure. But, it is disappointing as I have been pretty faithful to my workout routine and this will set me back at least two weeks, potentially more. I guess the little Wii Fit guy will bug me why I am not doing it daily!!! :-)

It should all be better after this happens and I spend another 3 months healing this new bone insult. The overall surgery is much less invasive than before and it is much shorter - only 3/4 of an hour or so. I will take the Thurs and Friday off from work and get back at it on Monday to teach my 3 hour grad class. Although I am happy about the quick recovery projected, a part of me would like a few more days OFF!!! (I am terrible, I know!!)

So, for those of you who always thought I had a screw loose - you are correct for sure NOW! I ask for your prayers and good wishes as I again prepare to work through this next surgery. I love each of you and know that this is God's plan. It is truly a mystery as to what His purpose is in this one, but I am confident that will reveal itself as we move along. Hugs to all!!


DeWitt Family said...

Hey Jaci~

Sorry to read the news. Wish we could be closer to help you out as you recover. Jacob is still asking "where Jaci go?" Miss you!!


J said...

I love you and love Jacob so so much. Deacon and of course Jason too. I love my newest pictures. I will keep you posted on the surgery progress. LOVE YA -

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)