Sunday, November 25, 2007
The events began at 7am yesterday...a trip to Big Y and Home Depot for yard bags. You see, the day of the 'big snowstorm', the town leaf picker upper guys came by. Yup, they were using the big leaf vac to take up the leave piles that people were frantically making - along with snow and ice and yuck. Clearly, they were doing it on our street very unexpectedly. So, I rushed outside to try and make a few piles -- much to no avail. Left the leaves and pickers from the pine trees to rake when the snow melted. Which it DID!!! That takes us to the big leaf pick up day. CB had to work all weekend on a 2 hour lectures for Tuesday, so I did most of this myself. She helped with the packing into the bags. You can see - we made A DOZEN bags!!! NICE HUH?!!!CB hates my leaf blower - it is not a big one, but it sure does help somewhat. Makes it easer a bit for me. Although my arms were pretty much rubber. I am confident that my shoulder issues should make raising my arm pretty much IMPOSSIBLE. Oh well...guess aging is not a nice thing sometimes. I am very proud of my job... BUT... The neighbor's tree are the leaf culprit... and one of the trees does not seem to like to dump all of its leaves. You can now see my driveway - see them...see them... they are all over the place.
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