Calling for new ARMS!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The events began at 7am yesterday...a trip to Big Y and Home Depot for yard bags. You see, the day of the 'big snowstorm', the town leaf picker upper guys came by. Yup, they were using the big leaf vac to take up the leave piles that people were frantically making - along with snow and ice and yuck. Clearly, they were doing it on our street very unexpectedly. So, I rushed outside to try and make a few piles -- much to no avail. Left the leaves and pickers from the pine trees to rake when the snow melted. Which it DID!!! That takes us to the big leaf pick up day. CB had to work all weekend on a 2 hour lectures for Tuesday, so I did most of this myself. She helped with the packing into the bags. You can see - we made A DOZEN bags!!! NICE HUH?!!!CB hates my leaf blower - it is not a big one, but it sure does help somewhat. Makes it easer a bit for me. Although my arms were pretty much rubber. I am confident that my shoulder issues should make raising my arm pretty much IMPOSSIBLE. Oh well...guess aging is not a nice thing sometimes. I am very proud of my job... BUT... The neighbor's tree are the leaf culprit... and one of the trees does not seem to like to dump all of its leaves. You can now see my driveway - see them...see them... they are all over the place.

I have watched them collect all day today. With much saddness and a bit of frustration. But, I decided to hang up a little holiday decoration to make me smile. With that I will end my painful arm saga... I hope that everyone had a special time at Thanksgiving with family and friends. Eager to see everyone in a MONTH.

1st SNOW of Winter 07-08

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today was the FIRST SNOW of the Winter of 07-08. You can see that it actually STUCK on the ground. We did not expect the snow today, as it began around 6am and just got more and more and more. The roads were very icy and slippery.

Each of the dogs loves the snow in their own way. Cheyenne, the oldest brown little dog bits at the snowflakes and flips the snow in the air. Koda, the black one, digs his nose deep into the snow. As you can see, Carli (the yellow lab) LOVES to EAT THE SNOW. That can be a risk, but she does it anyhow.

THAT Time of Year AGAIN??!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today was THE DAY! We had the 'bugs' outside in the nice sunshine to 'sit' for their annual holiday card pictures. As you can see, Cheyenne and Koda were doing a pretty good job of listening to the photographer. However, they had a few thoughts about their youngest sister...

Once Cheyenne and Koda were able to get Carli to come and be a part of the group, she decided that sitting down on the job was her idea of a nice pose. Notice how she is also unwilling to look toward the photographer. Clearly, she did not understand the instructions!!

All in all, the three finally decided to cooperate and gave us a few good shots. Look at how cute they are together after a long day of snow shoeing in the...well, in the... LAWN!!!

They decided to be good little angels, ONLY AFTER they were placed in a much more humiliating pose. Koda really hates the hat and Cheyenne could not seem to keep her ears inside the headband. Carli hated it SO MUCH that she left.

Everyone had a great time and we are ALL ready for the holidays to be here.
We (the dogs and I) wish each of you a very special Thanksgiving and give THANKS that God has placed each of you in my life.

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)