Big Dahlias and My BEE STING!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yesterday was eventful. I worked in the garden with the temperatures reaching the mid 90's and the humidity high. I read and floated in the pool for a bit and then worked again...hanging out with my yellow lab Carli. She decided to get a bit too interested in the yellow jacket nest (not that I saw the nest). Oh yeah - they decided to bite her by the nose and I jumped into action helping her get away. Yes, bright I am NOT!!!

I decided to show you the flowers I was working on (instead of my hand and wrist). My Dinner Plate Dahlias...they are starting to bloom in a deep coral, white and red. They are spectacular. As for me, I am on Benadryl and thumb got the sting and my hand, wrist and forearm are pretty swollen. They say 48 hours of 'pain and swelling' - much for being a good mom.


Teresa said...

Beautiful flowers! So sorry to hear about the bee sting. I hope you feel better soon!

Jayme said...

Scary...My mom got stung by a yellow jacket while riding on her harley. She had a severe reaction and to make a long story short, she almost died. Hey, now she knows that she's allergic to them I guess.

DeWitt Family said...

Yikes!! Sorry to hear about the sting. I'm sure the dog appreciated you watching out for her. The flowers are beautiful. Wish I had a green thumb!

blues said...

Awesome flowers - looks great. Take care of yourself - and watch out for those little "stingers"

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)