Strangers Passing

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Today I noticed people walking in my side yard. The dogs were going NUTS!!! It was an elderly couple stopping by to, "take pictures of the spectacular flowers". Hmm...I guess that is just a hazard of making your yard pretty. Here are the flowers they wanted to see. The woman was from Hawaii and she said that they, " reminded her of home!!" Very sweet.

Big Dahlias and My BEE STING!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Yesterday was eventful. I worked in the garden with the temperatures reaching the mid 90's and the humidity high. I read and floated in the pool for a bit and then worked again...hanging out with my yellow lab Carli. She decided to get a bit too interested in the yellow jacket nest (not that I saw the nest). Oh yeah - they decided to bite her by the nose and I jumped into action helping her get away. Yes, bright I am NOT!!!

I decided to show you the flowers I was working on (instead of my hand and wrist). My Dinner Plate Dahlias...they are starting to bloom in a deep coral, white and red. They are spectacular. As for me, I am on Benadryl and thumb got the sting and my hand, wrist and forearm are pretty swollen. They say 48 hours of 'pain and swelling' - much for being a good mom.

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)