My Big Brother and I ...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Findlay is getting along very well with only a few accidents these past few days. He knows to go to the basement steps or the porch door to let mommy know that it is POTTY TIME. That is good. He sleeps 1/2 way through the night, then needs a break. Right back to sleep again.

One of the best things is how he plays with his new brother Koda. It is so stinking cute to see them be good to each other. Koda can manage for about 15 minutes a time...that is really good considering Findlay uses him as a jungle jim. I am still waiting for Cheyenne to act like she likes him...and me!!


Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)