Nor'easter AGAIN!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

We are in the middle of another big snowstorm. The first was on Thursday, now we are in number two today. This one began with snow, then it started to sleet, now it is freezing rain. We had 12 inches on Thursday and 8 inches today. So, you can see the piles are HUGE.

Carrie was outside and we completed the driveway just in time for the plow to refill the driveway! That is a wonderful thing...but I sure don't like the 're-shoveling' chores.

The dogs have loved playing in the snow. They DO NOT like the sleet or the freezing rain. I think the freezing rain ends up freezing on their backs and heads. Guess that they should wear those hats I gave them earlier!!! The only smart one is Cheyenne who curled up on the futon and took a long winter's nap!


Jayme said...

vinny hates being cold and can't stand the rain!

Teresa said...

I am glad that we don't have that much snow. Tom and I are having a hard time adjusting to the cold as it is. We are so excited to see you, but please don't bring that weather with you.

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)