Mommy's Water Boy

Monday, September 29, 2008

I have been soooo busy since I returned home from Disney, I have not been able to get a new post written. But, this weekend we spent time with the dogs and they were so stinking cute. Findlay is getting his last swims in the pool before I get the thing winterized and closed. I am not sure how he will manage until springtime. HE LOVES THE WATER!!!

We kept throwing his floating fetch toy into the water close to the steps and he would walk in and retrieve. Then Carrie threw it further in and he wanted to get it very badly, so she lowered him in again. He swam to the toy, got it...then got scared and went to the side instead of the steps. I grabbed the toy and gave him a little pull toward the steps and he swam like a trooper to the steps, then walked out. He then rammed around the yard with the toy, all proud and crazy. By next fall, he will be a perfect swimmer who will come in the pool with mommy. I can't wait!! He might even float on the raft with me...but who knows.

I hope that he will figure out how to stop playing the water bowl for now I can hear him being scolded upstairs right now. OOPS!!! We have created a sea monster!!!

Tomorrow DISNEY!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

One more day to wait. Yes, I am now becoming a 6 year old unable to sleep or think of anything but MICKEY, MINNIE, Goofy...and my fav TIGGER!! We are excited to be going to Disney for a few days. Both CB and I need a break even though it is right as school started for both of us. We will have a great time with her family doing all sorts of things like the Halloween parade and party, the Hoop Dee Doo Review, fireworks and dinner with the characters and some other things that I can't remember.

The only hard part is the DOGS. Findlay will be 14 weeks on Friday and I worry about him. He is a good little guy with many puppy issues still. At times he likes to pretend that he is 'the boss', but we are correcting that behaviour and it has made him even more loving. You can see that he is mommy's little boy. Not a puppy build anymore - he is now 29 lbs and his paws are HUGE. He LOVES the pool and to play in the water. We are teaching him to retrieve a float while he swims back to the steps. It is great fun for him and US!!!

I will bring back loads of pictures from the trip when I return on Sunday. Have a great weekend to all and enjoy these days of early fall. Hugs!!

Humidity, Heat and Hanna

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It has been a rugged three days of weather. The temps have been in the upper 80's to low 90's with 80% plus humidity. I have been a bit sweaty, uncomfortable and cranky with this late summer yuck happening. We have also learned that the little man DOES NOT like the heat and humidity. He finds a cool place where-ever he can see that from the picture below. Yup, he is IN the water bowl on the cool basement floor. If he is not sleeping in the water bowl, he is wet trying to swim - that is three days in a row he 'fell' into the pool. He then races around like a bunny and goes nuts!!! It is a sight to see and we are trying to get some video from these experiences. He has now gone into the deep end two times. Leaving Carrie or I to drag him out. The third time he went swimming WITH me, but that was a shallow end entry!! All of this heat, humidity and extra swimming tired him out this afternoon!!! ;-)

We are now in the early stages of Hanna. Much like Dan and Jayme, we will be getting the rain downpours and some wind. There are flood watches out and right now the rain is battering the house. Our two walkways are rivers, so this is going to be an interesting night I can tell. The churches are already cancelling for tomorrow AM, as the watches and warning are on up through noon. As this is the first tropical storm/hurricane of any note in my ten years here, it is interesting for sure. Nope, I did not rush out for water - strange to do in a rainstorm!!! I figure that we will be pretty much ok...minus a flooded this or that. The store is not far away and I assume that we could walk there if necessary!!!

So, I guess that we will just hunker down...try and stay cool (WHEW) and enjoy some TV tonight. Findlay is already hanging out with his brother...trying to play. Koda just wants to sit and chill though. Mommy Agrees for tonight. Two water rescues is way too stressful!!! I need a break!!! :-)

Smart Son...

Monday, September 1, 2008

Findlay is 11 weeks and 2 days old now. He is growing and learning so many things. The housebreaking is going very well, with only an accident or two every few days. The vet reported that he is 20 pounds now...fantastic!!!

He is at the point where he can jump up on the couch, chairs and other things. This means that we are in the process of moving items from a "crawling" position to a "walking" position. You can see how we have cleared off the kitchen trolley...he found all the things there TODAY. Yes, he sure is cute!!! RIGHT!!!
We decided to make an LL Bean run today for a holiday excursion. I bought him a new toy - something leather...kind of like my SLIPPERS (wonder why). He loved it at first, until we went outside with it and found a FREE leaf from the neighbor's tree. $7 dog toy, free oak leaf....priceless!!! He continues to grow both in size and in our hearts. What a wonderful addition to my home! Clearly, he is a good little guy. I guess I should not mention that we renamed him...Findlay MONSTER Sol Maris. Yes, he is a GOOD little guy!!! Are you convinced yet???

Always in our hearts.

Always in our hearts.
Carli Anne VanHeest (Nov 2000 - 19 May 2008)